Friday, November 4, 2011

Who agrees that there are too many misconceptions about Roman Catholics?

I am a practising Roman Catholic. Far too often I have heard misconceptions about my religion. SOME people ask questions such as "Are you Christian or Catholic?". Of course, Catholicism IS a branch of Christianity, so that's the same as asking a male "Are you a man or a person?". Some people think that we Catholics actually worship Mary!! We only worship God, but we recognise the importance of Mary as the human mother of Jesus - that's not the same as worshipping. There are also SOME who seem to think that the Catholic Church is very critical and downlooking others. This is completely incorrect - if these people actually attended a M in a Catholic Church in a city such as London (England) where I live, they will see that our congregations are the most diverse and broad of any religions, and I'm talking about race, age, nationality, background, everything. And finally there are SOME who wrongly believe that Catholics follow the Bible and New Testament literally. In ALL religions you will find that there are those who look for the message in a story and those who take it literally. The majority of Catholics, myself included, look for the deeper meaning and message in the stories and do not take everything literally. Who else agrees with my viewpoint or has experience in hearing similar misconceptions, whether about Catholicism or, if from another faith, their own faith?

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